10 things you should have for breakfast. You will never imagine number 7.
Looking around on the web, on news and social networks you will probably have seen so many articles about the importance of having a good breakfast and what you should or should not have for starting the day well. In particulart in the last times, facebook - just to name one - proposes me at least one article a week about this subject. It usually comes from the Huffington Post...by the way, if any of you knows how to filter it out, please let me know. Their titles are very intriguing, I would even define them fire alarm questions, then I open them and they say such trivialities that they make me feel so stupid for having opened them. So you could wonder: do we need another article about this? No, indeed you don't need it. So why am I wasting your time - but also marginally my time - talking about such a banal and hackneyed subject? Because it's for sure hackneyed, but it's not banal at all. Well, I used to think that it was banal indeed. Everybody knows that...